School Supply List
2023-2024 School Supply List
All Grades:
Water Bottle (Plastic)
#2 Pencils or mechanical pencils
1 - pack of notebook paper (200 or more
1 - Spiral or composition notebook
2 - sets of earbuds (in case they break or get
Back-up battery or charger
1 - Pens (blue or black)
1 - box of color pencils
1 - box of markers
2 - highlighters ( different colors)
Clothing for Physical Education:
Students are not required to change clothes for
PE. Students should dress appropriately for
PE activities. Shoes do not have to be
reserved for PE. They can be worn daily but
they must be appropriate for PE. NO FLIP
6th Grade
1 - Two-pocket folder (Social Studies)
7th Grade
1 - Spiral Notebook (Social Studies)
1 - Two-pocket folder (Social Studies)
1 - Composition notebook (ELA)
8th Grade
1 - Two-pocket folder (Social Studies)
1 - Notebook (Social Studies)
1 - 1 inch three ring binder
Elective teachers will share their specific
needs and send home requests at the start of
the school year.
* Additional supplies may be required throughout the school year.